Monday, January 1, 2007

2007: The Year of the Book

Every year, inspired by a local newspaper columnist, I vow to keep a faithful record of all the books I read in the coming year. It's the only resolution that I make every year, and one I've never managed to keep. Two years ago I did managed to keep a current list through March, but at that point I was reading my way through I series I was embarrassed by--books I'd read, but fear of being mocked by high-minded literati types prevented me from admitting to them, and if the list wasn't going to be honest, there didn't seem to be much point.

But in the grand tradition of New Years, I have decided that this year will be different! This year, I will keep track of my reading habits, and to make sure I do, I'm putting my list out there in public for all to see. Those interested in the books themselves can watch the complete list compile here at LibraryThing. You'll also be able to search my list from here, and to see the most recent books I've entered. And at least once a week (sometimes more, but never less) I'll be posting here at Anno Libri with updates about what I'm reading, what I think of it, and other matters related to the reading, writing, and general love of books.

Because I hoped to start this project with a fairly clean slate, I've been working hard the last couple of days to finish up most of my 2006 leftovers, so although I'm usually in the middle of five or six books at one time, at the present moment, I'm only reading three: The Lion in the Valley and The Serpent on the Crown, both by Elizabeth Peters, and The Ladies of Grace Adieu by Susanna Clarke. I'll be blogging more about them (and about any other books I may start) later this week.

In the meantime, what can you expect from me this year? High Literature and pop fiction, mystery, science fiction, fantasy, and yes, perhaps, the occasional guilty romance. Fiction, nonfiction, books that defy description, and everything in between. This is my year, my life, in books. Welcome to it.

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